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Read This If You’re Thinking Of Hiring A Home Health Agency

5 Most Common Home Health Care Neglect Cases You Should Worry About

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According to information gathered from multiple Law Firm websites, attorneys routinely handle home health aide/nurse negligence lawsuits involving:

  • Falls
  • Broken Bones
  • ​Pressure Sores
  • ​Failure to Send to the Hospital
  • ​Choking Deaths​

1. Falls Under the Supervision of a Home Health Nurse

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Undoubtedly, the most common injury that law firms sue home health agencies for are falls.

Falls are frequent in older adults, however, this does not excuse the fact your loved one suffered a fall while under the care of a private home health aide or nurse.

In fact, falls in nursing homes are less preventable than falls under home health, due to staffing ratios.

In a nursing home, one aide may be responsible for 8 high acuity patients. At home, the aide is solely responsible for keeping your mom or dad safe and supervised.

When you hire a home care aide, he or she is supposed to be supervising your loved one and assisting them with activities of daily living. This includes walking, eating and going to the bathroom. This is the primary role of the home health aide, and precisely why they are there with your family member.

If your loved one was ignored, unsupervised and unassisted, then suffered a fall while under the care of a home health aide, law firms recommend that you contact them so that they can obtain medical records and interview key witnesses.

The general opinion of most law firms is that... almost all home health aide fall cases involve some degree of negligence, since the private duty nurse is there solely to help your parent.

At Kindness Home Health Services, we share the same opinion as the law firms.

There is generally no excuse for allowing a client to fall while the aide is being paid to supervise, assist and monitor the client.

Our aides and nurses have been made to understand the importance of carefully monitoring a client throughout their shift... and to immediately report any fall incident... so that timely and appropriate action could be taken to prevent further injury and save the patient's life.

If you worry about your parent or loved one falling, worry no more... let our well trained nurses and aides take care of them.

When you hire us to take care of your loved one, our nurses and aides follow a 12-point checklist of actions to take to prevent your loved one from falling.

Call the number below or click the blue button to request a call from us (at a date and time that's most convenient for you)... so that we can go through our 12-point checklist and answer all your questions about how to prevent your loved one from falling.

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The first 10 clients to book a call and get admitted will receive high-quality home healthcare services for FREE, for 60 days... even without insurance. Call 469-829-0363 to take advantage of this Special Offer now or click here to request a call.

We offer Skilled Nursing (RN,LVN), Home Health Aide, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work. 

Our Agency was founded by a critical care nurse with over 15 years of critical care experience. Our skilled nursing team is made up of 2 critical care nurses with over 30 years of combined critical care experience, providing nursing care to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute and chronic conditions.

2. Broken Bones from Home Health Nurse Abuse

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Broken bones in the elderly are most commonly caused by falls. If no fall has been reported to you, there may be some unreported traumatic event that the home health aide is concealing.

If your loved one suffered a fracture while under home health care, ask them privately what happened. If they are non-verbal, make sure to get an outside doctor or hospital to examine them.

Look for other accompanying injuries that may suggest home health aide abuse, like bruising. Take photos of anything out of the ordinary.

As always, any suspected elder abuse or neglect should be reported to the appropriate agency immediately.

At Kindness Home Health Services, we put the lives and well being of our clients above everything else.

When you hire us to take care of your loved one, our nurses and aides follow a 12-point checklist of actions to take to prevent your loved one from falling and breaking their bones.

Call the number below or click the blue button to request a call from us... at a date and time that's most convenient for you... so that we can answer all your questions about how to prevent your loved one from falling and breaking their bones.

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The first 10 clients to book a call and get admitted will receive high-quality home healthcare services for FREE, for 60 days... even without insurance. Call 469-829-0363 to take advantage of this Special Offer now or click here to request a call.

We offer Skilled Nursing (RN,LVN), Home Health Aide, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work. 

Our Agency was founded by a critical care nurse with over 15 years of critical care experience. Our skilled nursing team is made up of 2 critical care nurses with over 30 years of combined critical care experience, providing nursing care to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute and chronic conditions.

3. Pressure Sores from Home Health Aide Neglect

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Pressure sores are wounds that develop on a patient’s buttocks and heels due to a failure to offload pressure.

If your loved one is bedbound or wheelchair bound, it is the job of the private home health aide to get them up and off these pressure points.

Failure to do this over a prolonged period of time will result in skin breakdown, blistering, and eventually, an open pressure wound.

Pressure sores are never acceptable, and if deep enough, absolutely warrant the involvement of a home health aide neglect attorney.

If your loved one developed a Stage 3 or Stage 4 or unstageable pressure ulcer while getting ‘care’ by private home care, contact a home health aide neglect attorney immediately.


Because at Kindness Home Health Services, we strive to prevent our clients from ever getting to (or beyond) stages 1 and 2 of pressure ulcers.

Stage 1. The area looks red and feels warm to the touch. ...

Stage 2. The area looks more damaged and may have an open sore, scrape, or blister. ...

Stage 3. The area has a crater-like appearance due to damage below the skin's surface.

Stage 4. The area is severely damaged and a large wound is present.

If an agency allows your loved one's pressure ulcers to get to stage 3 or 4, that really shows gross neglect and the only way for you to get them accountable and protect other clients from such neglect is by involving the lawyers.

Kindness means treating others the way you want them to treat you and your loved ones. That's the spirit with which we serve our clients.

Call the number below or click the blue button to request a call from us... so that we can answer all your questions about pressure sores... and talk about providing kindness-driven care to your loved ones.

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The first 10 clients to book a call and get admitted will receive high-quality home healthcare services for FREE, for 60 days... even without insurance. Call 469-829-0363 to take advantage of this Special Offer now or click here to request a call.

We offer Skilled Nursing (RN,LVN), Home Health Aide, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work. 

Our Agency was founded by a critical care nurse with over 15 years of critical care experience. Our skilled nursing team is made up of 2 critical care nurses with over 30 years of combined critical care experience, providing nursing care to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute and chronic conditions.

4. Failure to Call 911 and Send the Patient to the Hospital

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When a private duty aide (or nurse) is caring for an elderly person in their home, they serve as their lifeline to medical care.

It is the legal duty of a home health care aide (or nurse) to call 911 and get the patient to a hospital if they are in distress.

Home health aide abuse attorneys have handled numerous cases where the home health aide ignored the patient’s health emergency, and as a result, the doctors missed critical hours in which they could have treated the victim.

Some common examples include stroke cases. If an elderly client is showing increased signs of confusion, a sudden inability to communicate, loss of use to one side of the body, etc., that person likely had a stroke.

Time is of the essence in these emergencies and a home health aide/nurse should call 911 immediately. By failing to get the patient to the hospital immediately, a home health aide is needlessly endangering the patient. The result can be irreversible damage or wrongful death.

Additionally, attorneys have sued home health agencies for aides/nurses concealing fall injuries and failing to get medical treatment for injuries sustained by falls.

This kind of wrongdoing adds insult to injury, since the delay in calling 911 stems from an attempted cover up of the original injury, which was caused by the negligence of the home health aide/nurse.

At Kindness Home Health Services, our nurses and aides understand the importance of transparency and accountability as well as best practices regarding at-home patient care.

Everyone of our nurses or aides knows the story told very often by the CEO of Kindness Home Health Services - Mia Shu, in which she almost lost her life because of her family members not calling 911 on time.

She passed out after losing so much blood during her menstrual cycle and was rushed to the hospital in a family vehicle by her husband, sister and mother.

Best practice would have been to call 911 immediately she started showing signs of abnormal bleeding.

Through this story and best practice coaching, our nurses and aides at Kindness Home Health Services understand how important and life-saving it is to call 911 on time if a patient is in distress.

Call the number below or click the blue button to request a call from us... so that we can answer all your questions about providing kindness-driven care to your loved ones.

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Call 469-829-0363 Now, OR...

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The first 10 clients to book a call and get admitted will receive high-quality home healthcare services for FREE, for 60 days... even without insurance. Call 469-829-0363 to take advantage of this Special Offer now or click here to request a call.

We offer Skilled Nursing (RN,LVN), Home Health Aide, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work. 

Our Agency was founded by a critical care nurse with over 15 years of critical care experience. Our skilled nursing team is made up of 2 critical care nurses with over 30 years of combined critical care experience, providing nursing care to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute and chronic conditions.

5. Choking Deaths

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Many compromised older adults have swallowing issues. It is not unusual for these frail patients to require assistance with eating.

Some even require a special choke-risk diet. Others can eat solid foods, but require supervision with eating to ensure they do not choke.

As discussed above, a home health aide/nurse has only one client when they are on the clock. That is your parent (or family member). There is no valid excuse for leaving the patient during a meal and allowing them to choke to death.

Choking deaths under the supervision of a home health aide/nurse are unacceptable. If a private duty nurse leaves the victim unattended while eating and they choke on food, this almost always constitutes home health aide/nurse negligence.

Call us today (at the number below)... for a more thorough discussion on choking deaths and how to prevent them.

After your call with us, we will give you a 1-page document that outlines the 10 ways to prevent your loved one from choking. This is the exact same document that serves as a checklist and guideline to all our aides and nurse when dealing with patients that have been assessed as choke-risk.

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Call 469-829-0363 Now, OR...

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The first 10 clients to book a call and get admitted will receive high-quality home healthcare services for FREE, for 60 days... even without insurance. Call 469-829-0363 to take advantage of this Special Offer now or click here to request a call.

We offer Skilled Nursing (RN,LVN), Home Health Aide, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work. 

Our Agency was founded by a critical care nurse with over 15 years of critical care experience. Our skilled nursing team is made up of 2 critical care nurses with over 30 years of combined critical care experience, providing nursing care to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute and chronic conditions.

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